My name is Vera Hoveling, I make deep learning applications and data visualisations. I also am a climate justice activist. My mission is to use my skills to move towards a healthy and just planet.

Machine Learning Developer & Data Visualiser.
Based in Amsterdam.
- Birthday: 16th of August 1989
- Website: www.verahoveling.org
- Phone: +316 160 106 10
- City: Amsterdam, NL
- Age: 34
- Degree: BFA, BSc, MSc
- Email: mail@verahoveling.org
- Freelance: Available
I am open for projects in the non-profit sector that address climate change and it's impacts.
Computer Science
This is my computer science portfolio, with projects in deep learning, visualisation and computer graphics.
Musicons is a novel visualisation of music to improve user-guided search and exploration. The visualisation is based on latent variable representations and allows users to visually identify similarity between songs. This project was done as part of my master thesis at the Delft University of Technology. Find the demo on musicons.io or read my full thesis here.
At the Programme Innovation of Mathemathics Education of the Delft University of Technology, I was part of the visuals team that made visualisations of mathematical concepts. Our novel interactive animation method was presented at the ACM Web3D conference, read the publication or check out the interactive poster.
An investigation of the performance of three popular image segmentation models on the task of segmenting images of various kinds of litter. Read the report on the experiments or check out the code and pre-trained models
Motion Magnification is the process of magnifying subtle, microscopic amounts of motion in a video sequence to the point where the eye can detect the motion. I have made a full implementation in Matlab of the original 2005 paper that first explained the basis for this method. Check out the full code or watch the demo video.
My bachelor graduation thesis took place at the Borges 3D company I developed inpainting neural networks to accelerate rendering. Watch the demo video or read the full report.
As part of the honours programme during my BSc, I implemented a global illumination radiosity renderer that supports fluorescent materials. The renderer applies the radiosity method and uses spectral rendering in order to simulate fluorescent materials: materials can reflect energy of a given frequency at another frequency. Rendering is accelerated by NVIDIA OptiX and CUDA parallelization. Source code can be found here, the report here.
I am also involved in climate activism. Below are projects that I am currently involved in.
During festivals I organise activist areas and speakers forums to inspire visitors. For this I have worked together with activist groups such as: Extinction Rebellion, Stichting Aralez, Animal Rights, Sea-Watch, Clean Clothes Campaign, Local Conference of Youth, Carbon Conversations and Music Declares Emergency.
Every month, I facilitate a monthly climate café in Ruigoord together with two co-facilitators. A climate café is a simple, hospitable, empathetic space where fears & uncertainties about our climate & ecological crisis can be safely expressed. Read more about climate cafés here or visit our website.
Together with my co-facilitators of the Ruigoord Climate Café, I facilitate a four day workshop 'Living with the climate crisis'. This workshop has been developed by the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA), and is based on psychologically based groupwork and experiential learning to support people in managing their feelings, experiences and actions. Read more about the workshop on our website or at the CPA Living with the climate crisis website.
View my full resume here.